World of Mr. Grey on Youtube
OK, graphics on my screenshot are not great, but blame it on The Ghosts of Carmel Maine. If you love Welsh (apologies, I thought his accent was Scottish for the longest time!) people, and who doesn’t?, and love a humerous debunking, you will love this guy. He carefully picks apart videos from some of the more famous Youtube channels. It’s a great channel, and you will learn a lot.
If you watch as many debunking videos as you watch ghost videos, you will get a great sense of what is real (very little) and what is b******t. In addition to the ridiculous fakery on Ghosts of Carmel Maine, he takes on Huff Paranormal, Zak Bagans and Ghost Adventures, Nuke’s Top 5, Slapped Ham, and many others. It’s always funny, and he does not back off when he sees people being dishonest and sometimes hurtful (helpful hoaxer hint: don’t tell someone you talked to their dead girlfriend when she is alive and well. I’m looking at you, Steve Huff).
Highly, highly recommended viewing. Warning: you will lose hours of your life, but it will be fun!